I am a supporter of open-source software and believe it will lead to better and more trustworthy science. Below are some of my open-source software contributions.




I am the creator of the zEpid Python library, a open-source library for epidemiologic analyses and quantitative causal inference. Various tutorials are available here and replications of published analyses using zEpid are here.



I am also the creator of delicatessen, a Python library for generalized M-estimation. Some tutorials demonstrating the utility and flexibility are provided here. An associated pre-print is available on arXiv.



MossSpider is a Python library for targeted maximum likelihood estimation with network-dependent data and stochastic policies. This library is part of my dissertation work. Details and examples are provided here.

Open-Source Data Analyses

I am also a supporter of open-source code for scientific publications. I make my analytic code for publications available here. My publication code is also stored long-term on Zenodo.